Courage Isn’t Just Something You Can Have; It’s Also Something You Can TAKE

“Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord.” (Psalm 31:24, NASB) Courage is an interesting thing, and people try to define it in different ways. Many of us probably first considered courage when we watched “The Wizard of Oz”, and listened to the cowardly Lion wish that he had some. As I recall, he felt having courage would open all kinds of doors for him and create a life full of new possibilities. The Lion went with Dorothy, and of course you know what happened.

Courage is not merely about being fearless or foolish, but it is a level of poise or resolve that some people have when things get tough. Under pressure, not everyone responds the same way, or even with same amount of courage. In some measure, however, Courage helps all of us make our way in the world.

Aristotle said, “You will never do anything in this world without courage.” Maya Angelou says, “Without courage, you cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.” defines it as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.” What is it in your life that requires courage? It may not always involve grand adventures or epic struggles, but courage is something all of us need from time to time…

Who Needs It?

You’d think people in the Bible didn’t need it so much because they had, well, GOD. Yet there is enough uncertainty where the spiritual intersects our temporal, everyday world that 1) we still need faith; and 2) we still need courage. There’s that interesting story about Peter getting out of the boat to walk to Jesus out on the water.

“Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (John 14:29-30). Jesus was right there, and Peter was doing something no other man had ever done! But Peter still got distracted and got scared. He needed courage.

“En” Is Better Than “Dis”

The Bible often uses the term as a means of encouragement before undertaking a daunting task. Moses exhorted Joshua and the children of Israel to “be strong and courageous” in Deuteronomy 31:6-7; David found “the courage to pray this prayer” and ask God about building the temple in 2 Samuel 7:27; and Hezekiah exhorted his leaders to “be strong and courageous” in the face of an Assyrian invasion in 2 Chronicles 32:7.

In the New Testament, the Spirit of the Lord encouraged Paul to “Take courage!” (Acts 23:11) before he was called to testify in Rome. In all of these cases, people had a right to be afraid. They were faced with uncertainty, danger, or impossible odds. So, they needed courage.

The Antidote to Fearful

Ambrose Redmoon (a beatnik and flower child back in the 60’s) said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” There are things in your life that you fear; what is more important to you than fear? I suppose that if I lived a life of true faith, and if I had real confidence in God, I would never be afraid. I’d be like Daniel in the lion’s den, or Shadrach in the fiery furnace, or Paul about to face shipwreck on a stormy sea. But like everybody, I am often distracted by the cares of the day, or the uncertainty of the future.

That brings up an important question for Christians who struggle with anxiety. Is it wrong to be fearful? If I worry, am I committing a sin?

Consider this: when I allow fear or worry to dominate my thoughts, I am actually practicing a little form of idolatry, because I am allowing something in my heart and mind to be bigger than God. I may not intend to, but the reality is I am inadvertently replacing God with my own concerns. Worry itself isn’t a sin, but allowing our worries to replace God certainly can be. What can I do about that?

Encouraging Words

In Psalm 31, David said we should take courage. It’s interesting to note that in this Psalm, David talked about traps, affliction, deceit, troubles, sorrow, grief, and tribulation… David knew firsthand about being besieged by circumstances and abandoned by friends. He speaks of lying enemies, conspiring schemers, and describes himself as a broken vessel. Because of all he had experienced, his closing statement about taking courage is not rose-colored optimism. It is a hard-fought insight about how faith in God can instill hope and confidence into believers even when many things turn against us.

If you are experiencing difficult times, think of David and what he said in Psalm 31. Own it. We find blessing and hope not in the absence of trouble, but in their midst. Be strong today, and let your heart take courage!

Advice From Thirty-One

Life is full of moments that can lead you to uncertainty,
And there are times you have to deal with worry and adversity.
Living as a fugitive, King David was no stranger
To enemies, affliction, sorrow, grief, and outright danger.
Life will bring you sorrow. It will take your heart and break it;
David offers this encouraging word for us to make it:
Hope is ever in the Lord, and you don’t have to fake it;
His courage is available to us. Look up, and take it.

To buy my latest book, Real People, Real Christmas: Thirty-one Days Discovering the Hidden Treasures of the Christmas Story, go here:
For Slaying Giants: Thirty Days with David, go here:
To buy my book, Beggar’s Bread, go here: