Mary Treasured Jesus in Her Heart. Did You Know God Treasures You the Same Way?

We have more Biblical information about the baby Jesus than we do about the boy Jesus. Out of the several accounts of the life of Jesus, only Luke offers us this quick observation: Mary treasured Jesus. That’s a logical thing to say about how a mother would feel about her child, but it speaks volumes about Mary and Jesus. It also might speak volumes about YOU. After twelve-year-old Jesus had been left behind in Jerusalem and was found teaching in the temple, Luke offers us our only glimpse of his childhood and development:

The Good Son

“Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:51-52 NIV)

It’s a little intriguing to think about Jesus as a boy, and we can speculate about what he must have been like. Comedians have always joked that it must have been tough being Jesus’ sibling, since you would always hear, “Why can’t you be like Jesus? HE behaves!”

In the Apocryphal gospel of Thomas, the boy Jesus is depicted as performing a couple of somewhat whimsical miracles, which is probably why that book stayed apocryphal and didn’t become part of the Canon. But in point of fact, not much is written about the boy Jesus, except for Luke’s anecdote about Jesus staying behind at the temple at age 12 while his parents headed back to Galilee. It doesn’t tell us everything, but even this brief account reveals a few things that are interesting to me.


Luke reminds us that Jesus grew in four ways: wisdom (mentally); stature (physically); in favor with God (spiritually); and in favor with man (socially). This well-rounded growth indicated a life balance that all of us should consider while making those New Year’s Resolutions. It also indicates that Jesus was developing into a young man who was preparing to fulfill his mission.

Jesus (at aged twelve) was obviously gifted as a teacher and amazed the scribes and rabbis in the temple. In his interaction with them and his parents, he seems to demonstrate a poise and maturity beyond his years; but most of his amazing qualities were kept fairly private.  Luke says that Mary “treasured all these things in her heart”, even if they weren’t vividly evident to others who were there.

If you are a mom or dad, aunt or uncle, or friend of the family, perhaps you have spent time around a toddler or a small child. Think of being amazed at their development. Think of being overwhelmed by little things they do, from imitating you to discovering something with wide-eyed wonder… When you have a toddler in the house, you don’t need to watch tv! All of the cuteness you can stand is right there in front of you! (I got to watch all this cuteness right here back in the day when my kids were growing up. And believe me, Nancy and I still treasure those little ones in our hearts!)

Heart Strings

What things have you observed in little ones and treasured in your heart? Mary knew all of those things about Jesus, and she treasured them. But don’t miss this: since we are made in our Father’s image, it stands to reason that God feels the same way about us; He watches our development, he sees us grow from spiritual babes into spiritual toddlers, and He treasures us in his heart. Have you ever equated how your Heavenly Father feels about you with the way you cherish an infant, or laugh out loud at a toddler’s antics?

I bet He takes the same delight in you and is just as interested in your growth and development. Your picture is in His wallet; your primitive but well-meaning artwork is on His refrigerator. God loves us not just for who we are but also for who we will become as we trust Him to help us navigate our path in a complex and fallen world. Certainly, our Father enjoys our growth the same way we love seeing our children and grandchildren grow.

Luke says that Jesus grew in four dimensions: mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. Like you, Jesus grew up in the real world. Like you, he was treasured, appreciated, and loved. That’s probably a good thing to remember as we head into the New Year. Treasure those things in your heart, and grow.


Mary watched as Jesus grew, and marveled at the things he knew;
From the humble manger’s start, she treasured Jesus in her heart,
Like any mother’s heart would do. Did you know someone treasures you?
One who loves to watch you grow, desires to teach you all they know,
One who loves with all His might, and watches you with great delight!
He loves you now, and every minute; His wallet has your picture in it!
He adores your every move, and offers you a Father’s love.
By every way it can be measured, understand this: You. Are. Treasured

To buy my latest book, Real People, Real Christmas: Thirty-one Days Discovering the Hidden Treasures of the Christmas Story, go here:
For Slaying Giants: Thirty Days with David, go here:
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