Fresh Wind and Full Sail Will Keep Us All From Getting Stale

Jesus was talking to Nicodemus about the wind, using it to describe the mystery of the spiritual life: “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8 NASB)

So, what exactly does Jesus mean by this? He had just told Nicodemus, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” The wind is an intriguing analogy for one of the most difficult aspects of inner life. How do we know about the Spirit of God? Is He real to us, and as much a part of our perception of God as the other two members of the Trinity?

Does a spiritual life result from some vague, random occurrence? Is Jesus emphasizing what we don’t know and can’t see? Is he saying, like Mohammed Ali, “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee; you can’t hit what you can’t see!” Or something else? Here are a few observations related to wind:

An Unnatural Spirit

1) A spiritual life does have a source beyond us, something that is not necessarily evident. We don’t have the resources on our own to produce it, and our inherent human nature dwells on natural, not spiritual things. Paul points this out in 1 Corinthians 2:14: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

2) There is an element of mystery to it; since it is not something we produce and control, we don’t know for sure where it will take us. We took a balloon ride over Napa Valley, and I was surprised that the balloon pilot had so little control over direction. He could go up and down, but he had to navigate according to what the wind dictated. (HE COULDN’T STEER, folks!) In terms of our spiritual wind, it has a definite direction, but we don’t always know what that is, and it doesn’t necessarily serve human logic.

Spiritually Becalmed

3) We notice it by its absence. Ever wished for a breeze, when it was still and miserable? Have you ever been spiritually becalmed? Dead in the water? If you are lacking that spiritual push, maybe you long for a little fresh air.

4) The wind, while we can’t see it, provides empirical evidence of its existence—we hear it and feel it. We know it from its effect, much like we know the Spirit from its fruit. What Spiritual evidence is displayed in your life? Can people see the empirical results of a Spiritual influence? Jesus encouraged Nicodemus to broaden his spiritual horizons, as depicted here on The Chosen: Have we broadened our perception of God’s Spirit at work?

5) The wind is unimaginably powerful (think: tornado, hurricane). Yet we usually feel it blowing gently or see it filling the sails of a graceful vessel, providing energy and speed. The Spirit is the same: while It is overwhelmingly powerful, He can also move gently through our inner life, providing a source of power and direction. Much like a sailing vessel, if we yield to the wind and apply our resources to capture its power, it can send us through storms and across oceans! Do you have all your canvas out? Are you yielding to God’s Spirit?

Put Up Some More Canvas

If so, do you feel a freshening breeze? When you’re sailing, the more receptive you are to the wind, the faster you will go. Do we ever fail to feel the Spirit’s influence because we aren’t waiting expectantly, and don’t have any canvas out? Better put up another jib, and make sure we are properly rigged; we’re about to set sail for adventure!


The wind expands the billowing sail,
Pushing a mighty ship with ease;
A wind can displace all that’s stale,
And cool your porch with a freshening breeze…
The wind is powerful, wild and free:
You sense the wind and you feel it blow,
Although it’s something you can’t see!
It goes wherever it wants to go…
The breeze can blow the goldenrod,
Invisible whether it’s light or dark;
And so it is with the Spirit of God,
Who is not seen, but leaves His mark.
For when you let the Spirit take command,
He’ll guide you with His gracious, unseen hand.

To buy my latest book, Real People, Real Christmas: Thirty-one Days Discovering the Hidden Treasures of the Christmas Story, go here:
For Slaying Giants: Thirty Days with David, go here:
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