Does God have a presence? Is He ever “present” with us? From devotional writings of the early Church Fathers to “The Hound of Heaven”, men have reflected about the presence of God. Jesus said, “I am with you always”. The Lord introduced himself to Moses not as a name but as the eternal “I AM”. Although we cannot see God, there are definitely times when we feel Him near, times of comfort or awe… In the Psalms, David expressed his own feelings about being close to God:
“Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; or if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.” (Psalm 139:7-10, NKJV)
Inescapable Intimacy
David had learned that God’s presence was everywhere, and that no matter where he went, God was there. We can all find encouragement in Psalm 139, because it promises us that no matter where we go the Lord will guide us and hold us fast. That’s also kinda scary.
After all, David wrote this Psalm from experience. He had felt God’s presence as a solitary shepherd, tending sheep by himself and facing the elements, predators, and loneliness. David felt the power of the Lord when he stood between the armies and faced Goliath. He knew God was with him as he hid in the caves of Adullam, and as a fugitive hiding from Saul’s fits of rage. The Lord was with David from the pasture to the palace, from obscurity to celebrity.
The Other Side of the Song
Psalm 139 provides us assurance that we can live each day with a sense of the security and comfort of God’s presence no matter what life throws at us. There is, however, another side to David’s song. Do we really think it’s a GOOD thing to hang out with God wherever we go, to have His presence beside us no matter what, no matter where?
Have you ever wanted to hide from God? You know, put Him away for a little while so you could do your own thing, and then maybe catch Him on the flip side? David did. Even when he went his own way, even when he ignored the Lord, God was there. “If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there”. David had made his bed in hell, and God was still with him. So it is with us.
Opening the Presence
Perhaps you have done some things that make you feel unworthy to associate with the Living God. Maybe you have ignored Him, or avoided Him, or left God behind as you have gone about your business; the good news is that God’s secure, comforting presence is still near, and He is with you. If you haven’t sought the Lord in a while, climb up into His lap and sit for a moment. Catch up. Don’t ask Him for stuff, just enjoy His presence for a few minutes…
Remember your first love, rejoice in your salvation and let his peace surround you. No matter where you have been, and no matter how far away from God you think you are, you can say with David, “even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.” If you’ve never introduced yourself to God, why not now? And if you’ve wandered away from Him a bit, go ahead and climb up into His lap. Welcome back.
Taking a Broken Break
Just this once, the Lord won’t care I walked away and left him there!
I needed just a little break for these few steps I want to take.
Surely he’ll just look away when I choose darkness over day,
Or say the things I want to say, or take some time for me to play.
I know He loved me first and best, and yeah I failed that little test
But so did all the rest. I’m blessed,
But all these appetites suppressed affect me more than I had guessed!
I sometimes try to hide me, when I think He might deride me,
Or think that He denied me, just because I chose to sin;
But then I realized He only put His love inside me
For to comfort and to guide me, in whatever state I’m in.
He is not there to scold me! His hand is meant to mold me,
And to comfort and enfold me: let His love forever hold me so that I can leave the old me…
I’ll celebrate His essence and His substance with persistence,
Knowing that His presence signals nothing but acceptance.
Your Grace can help me find this,
But I’m paranoid, Lord, with blindness: help me see your loving-kindness.
To buy my latest book, Real People, Real Christmas: Thirty-one Days Discovering the Hidden Treasures of the Christmas Story, go here:
For Slaying Giants: Thirty Days with David, go here:
To buy my book, Beggar’s Bread, go here: