Reproduction Has More to It Than What You Learned in Biology 101

Biological reproduction ensures the propagation of the species, right? And of course, you remember cellular reproduction? And all that stuff about “the birds and the bees”? But, there is more to reproduction than they taught us in biology class! In his second letter to Timothy, Paul talks to his friend about spiritual reproduction, which is a whole ‘nother thing!

A Different Kind of Multiplication

“Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me in among many witnesses, the same thou commit to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:1-2, KJV)

This verse is well-known for being the template for spiritual reproduction. One believer teaches another. They teach another, and so on. It is Paul’s one sentence plan for reaching the whole world with the message of Jesus Christ. Quick, how many generations of disciples are connected to your reading of these verses?

The classic answer is four generations. Paul, who teaches Timothy (in the presence of other witnesses), who is told to teach faithful men, who will teach others also. That’s how spiritual reproduction works, one generation passing the gospel down to the next.

So, What is Paul Saying?

1) Paul calls Timothy his son. These men had a close bond, forged from a friendship that transcended tribulations and generations. Passing the torch of discipleship is no casual relationship. It is one of commitment and expectation. It involves acceptance of authority and accountability.

2) Committing something to faithful men is different from “let’s all go to church once a week and maybe that’ll get it done spiritually”. It uses the word “commit”, so maybe it should be self-evident. It involves training, consistency, discipline, and daily devotion. How fair would it be to men sent into battle after training them an hour or two a week for a few months? They’d get slaughtered! (Instead, think spiritual Marines. Think intensity and training. Think, life and death struggle. Are we really satisfied with our level of spiritual training? Yeah, most of us are FAR from being the equivalent of spiritual Marines!)

We approach the very real spiritual warfare in which we are engaged with a very cavalier attitude…Perhaps that’s why churches are waning all around us, and perhaps that is why the enemy seems to be taking ground from us every day in our generation.

First or Last?

3) Every generation has the opportunity to be the final (last) Christian generation. While I know that God has other plans, this is a sobering thought. If we all quit teaching others, and all stopped committing it to faithful believers, the Christian movement would simply die from neglect. Are you ending or extending the marvelous story of Grace?

4) Count the generations again. I think there are actually SIX generations represented. The first unspoken one is the one who taught Paul. Since he spent time in the desert being taught by Christ, it’s logical to say that Jesus was the first generation (and come to think of it, that is logical not only for Paul but for all of us!).

The Next Generation

The sixth generation, as you read this verse, is YOU. You are the one who was ultimately reached by “others also”. You are the next one up, the generation upon whom future generations depend. Who are you reaching? Who are your “faithful men”? Not all of us are gifted as prophets or evangelists or preachers. But all of us are gifted with relationships. Each of us has the opportunity to pass the torch. It is up to us to extend not just the gospel but a culture of discipleship to those coming after us. Don’t break the chain.


Paul explained to Timothy, “What you have seen and heard from me
Review and study well. And then, commit those things to faithful men
Who, when they listen well and learn, will carry on and take their turn
To pass the torch as Christ directs from this generation to the next.
Although the mission field is vast, we must be equal to the task:
Make sure your generation’s torch is passed!
If you are not the next one, then you may just be the last…

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